“A value debased and an illusion unmasked have the same pitiful form; they resemble each other and there is nothing easier than to mistake one for the other.”

From: The Joke by Milan Kundera


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. – Mark Twain

The good life

She who entirely accepts the fact that one man stays at home shows more signs of feminism than she who loudly proclaims that all women have to go to work.

The good life
Adorno on Facebook

The notion that every single person considers themselves better in their particular interest than all others, is as long-standing a piece of bourgeois ideology as the overestimation of others as higher than oneself, just because they are the community of all customers. [The source of “likes”] Since the old bourgeois class has abdicated, both lead their afterlife in the Spirit [Geist] of intellectuals, who are at the same time the last enemies of the bourgeois, and the last bourgeois. By allowing themselves to still think at all vis-a-vis the naked reproduction of existence, they behave as the privileged; by leaving things in thought, they declare the nullity of their privilege. – Theodor W. Adorno, quoted by Babette Babich

The good life