Definition of an Affluent society: a society in which everyone can understand what they do in their discretionary time as their identity, and is comfortable enough to like this identity.


Social Media inequality might become a bigger problem than wealth inequality. In a liberal society, it is easier to tax people than force them to have a certain taste and redistribute their likes and subscriptions. Yet social media inequality could become a source of immense frustration and a destabilizing factor once the world really moves

Why does money corrupt?

So why does it? If you have it in abundance, it fails to give meaning in the obvious ways it does when we need it to meet our basic needs. The thought that the result of our endeavour – the amount on our bank account – is subject to inevitable inflation of meaning, is hard to bear.

So we explore other pathways: consumption of expensive goods and services, and comparison to other people’s “wealth”.

This is an impulse that doesn’t care about the consequences. Think environmental and social inequality. In other words: it corrupts.


The hallmark of being human is that we can carry a story within us that aspires to more than our own pleasure, to a goal beyond the satisfaction of what we momentarily desire
