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Year: 2016
to defend a value that can resist those who promote it
netpoetry #5
W.H. Awesome. Soul and body have no bounds:
To lovers as they lie enchanted / upon each other’s wounds
Robert Creeley (1926-2005)
This poem by Robert Creeley perfectly fits Bernie Sander’s campaign.
“I want, if older, / still to know / why, human, men / and women are / so torn, so lost / why hopes cannot / find a better world / than this.”
the problem with democracy is that the people refuse to believe they are the people
netpoetry #3
My French boyfriend cheated on me. What does that mean for our relationship? Cull the sack.
The most important function of the economic operating system is not to get capital together, but to get heads together
the nonsense of infinite growth just distracts from the fact that we will all wither and die