28 June, 2010 May 18. Crossing into Laos. Uncategorized We get up early to take what will be our penultimate Chinese bus to Mengla. It's still a long ride down, but when we finally reach the border town of Mohan, and are in sight of the border post, we high-five like two Elvisses leaving the building. However, the border is " onerror="this.style.display='none'">
6 June, 2010 May 14. They have moved three years ago. Uncategorized -" onerror="this.style.display='none'">
24 May, 2010 May 11. The TRIKE. Uncategorized But what good can we do without ngo's, without language, on a limited budget? I decide to make a dream come true. I always wanted to buy a tricycle (a 3-wheeled cycle-cart for adults), use it to cycle around the countryside and enjoy the view, and then - donating it to someone who needs it. It can considerably enhance the livelihood of an empoverished merchant, let's not forget that. And we don't need to be all professional and statistical all the time. There is no harm in giving a gift to the right people. Yeah, right. But how to find them?