Or we would have to live forever…

Cioran once said that he was glad that the concept of suicide existed because otherwise, he would kill himself.

Perhaps this also applies to transhumanism: without the concept and idea that it is technologically not impossible, of eternal life, we would just have to live forever.


The only reason you are not a slave
is that you are more productive
if you are not a slave.


Allahu Akbar
I wouldn’t go that far
I wouldn’t blow myself Up
To be a member of the club


Honor and love – what else – defy the usurpation of meaning by the Story of capitalism, because they require the notion of “enough”


If we encounter something you don’t know, our brain goes in either a fearful guessing mode or a mode of joyful curiosity. I think we can practice that.

Why does money corrupt?

So why does it? If you have it in abundance, it fails to give meaning in the obvious ways it does when we need it to meet our basic needs. The thought that the result of our endeavour – the amount on our bank account – is subject to inevitable inflation of meaning, is hard to bear.

So we explore other pathways: consumption of expensive goods and services, and comparison to other people’s “wealth”.

This is an impulse that doesn’t care about the consequences. Think environmental and social inequality. In other words: it corrupts.


The hallmark of being human is that we can carry a story within us that aspires to more than our own pleasure, to a goal beyond the satisfaction of what we momentarily desire


The best of lies make up the unstable truth for our unstable times
